Perspective Online

The Meaning of Volunteerism, by Rob T. Dial '06

Volunteerism is simply accepting an invitation to participate fully in empowering and serving others.

My own experience in volunteerism with the University of West Georgia began by becoming an active part of the alumni association, but I had no idea what a rich and meaningful experience it would become in my life.

Volunteerism is simply accepting an invitation to participate fully in empowering and serving others.I have watched our volunteers dip ice cream and unload cars for incoming freshmen. I have seen them work for hours to honor the achievements of our fellow alumni. And I have witnessed them raise countless dollars so that other students could grow to love UWG.

I have also been on the receiving end of their selfless giving. During my first year as President of the Alumni Association my father began the final stages of a battle with cancer that would ultimately take his life. There were many days when the work we were doing together gave me just a few hours of much needed distraction and rest. And when his battle was over, it was those same folks who visited with my family, offered words of encouragement, and sent cards and letters expressing their care for me.

Today, I realize that I am associated with a truly wonderful group of people who love the University of West Georgia and are deeply committed to their fellow alumni.

There is a sense of satisfaction and purpose that grows from service. One act of volunteerism can change everything for someone and you’ll find that you too are changed along the way.

In the end, it’s not our responsibility to fill someone else’s cup, but it is our responsibility to empty our own. And to those alumni who chose to empty their cup into mine, I am grateful.

I invite you to participate fully in our purpose to empower and serve others at UWG, in your community with fellow alumni, or by making us aware of opportunities to serve in the causes that have meaning in your life.

Rob Dial is the president of the Alumni Association.

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