Perspective Online

Donors Help Students Reach Full Potential, by Eric Ollila

I had the pleasure of participating in the annual President’s Luncheon as a student speaker. I was honored to have been given the opportunity to speak to the financial donors who help fund the scholarships awarded to West Georgia students.

Donors Help Students Reach Full Potential, by Eric OllilaAs a first generation college student with an economically disadvantaged background, I don’t know if attending college would even be a possibility without the support of so many generous individuals.

While in high school, I was able to earn 29 college credits before my graduation by participating in a dual enrollment program at Clayton State University. This has allowed me to graduate with two Bachelor of Science degrees in both biology and chemistry in just three-and-a-half years here at UWG.

My experience getting to know several of the students and professors and being involved on campus here has been wonderful. I serve as the president of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) and have also served as a chemistry workshop leader to help students who are enrolled in general chemistry courses. I also volunteer at the Fayette CARE Clinic in Fayetteville near my home in Sharpsburg where I live with my family as I earn my college education.

My goal is to become a physician one day, and I have been blessed with the number of doctors I have been able to shadow over the years. I do my best to support myself as much as possible by working at Publix, but most of the money I earn simply goes to normal day to day expenses, which leaves most of my college education unpaid for.

When my family and I moved to Georgia from the state of Washington in 2006, my father soon became legally blind, which significantly affected our family’s income. I was then faced with the task of funding my college education entirely by myself. Without financial aid, I might not have been able to attend college, and my hopes of becoming a doctor one day would have never come to pass. At the very least, I would be heavy into debt with student loans that I would have to pay in addition to the loans that I will need when I go to medical school.

The value of financial donors to students like me cannot be understated. Without them, I might not have much more than a high school education. Their financial support allows me to devote my time and energy into my school work, volunteering, preparation for medical school, and other extracurricular activities.

So thank you to all the donors who support West Georgia students like me. It is your support that is shaping our lives for the better and is allowing us to reach our full potential. We cannot thank you enough, and I wish to repay the favor one day when I am finally a doctor by supporting West Georgia students just as you are supporting me.

Eric Ollila is a UWG senior.

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